For Truth's Sake

Integrity and accountability are rare commodities nowadays. Morally based decisions are outdated, so I have been told. However, I strongly disagree. 

Warning to all truth seekers and whistleblowers!

The truth can shine, be beautiful but terrible and cruel at the same time. Before proceeding further, ask yourself a few questions, prepare yourself to cope with internal and external judgment.
Are you willing to go against worst odds, to be targeted, to suffer unbearable conditions, to face consequences of your ignorance?
Are you ready to be blacklisted, rejected, and endure adversity?
In most cases, the real truth is dangerous, must be approached with caution. 
Moreover, you need to consider the possibility that the prize may not be worth the costs, don't be surprised if you find an entirely different beast than expected. 
Friendly advice:
If you stumble over unsettling facts, the most important is to keep the big picture in mind, make adjustments, and proceed accordingly. And if you're lucky enough to survive, you may find some comfort in the end.
By the end of the day, make sure you don't find yourself abroad alone on a deserted island. 
P.S. One who does not know enough to know should not jump to conclusions.
The ability to face the consequences of that realization of one's ignorance will make a difference between damned and redeemed.


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